Online Art Curriculum for K-8
Arts Attack brings an entire art curriculum to the K-8 classroom on video. A fully validated and award-winning program developed for the classroom, designed to meet the needs of every teacher with or without special art training.
Arts Attack provides all the resources you need to teach art successfully in any learning environment.
Arts Education Helps Improve Students'
Academic Performance

Learn By Doing
Seeing and experiencing with the right brain is very different from seeing or experiencing with the left brain leading to a richer and more fulfilling life. “How very dull, how very drab our children’s lives would be, if they looked but did not see, touched but did not feel, listened but never took a curtain call.”
-Wilson Riles

Improve Performance
An increasing number of independent studies have established strong correlations between an arts education and performance in other subjects giving high SAT scores, reduction of drop-out rates and feelings of self-confidence. Given the roles that the Arts play in developing creative problem-solving and right-left brain function and coordination, this is not at all surprising.

Develop Intelligence
Howard Gardner, Professor of Education at Harvard and Professor of Neurology at Boston University Medical School has shown that we have seven ways of learning and expressing ourselves. Two of them (Linguistic and Logical/Mathematical) reside primarily in the left brain. Five (Spatial/Visual, Musical, Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal) reside primarily in the right brain.
No art training required
Arts Attack provides everything students need
to create amazing art
Since its introduction in early 1997, the Arts Attack curriculum has been adopted and implemented in thousands of schools and districts throughout the United States. Recognizing that children learn what they are excited about, the subjects of the Arts Attack lessons have been selected through years of working with students in the classroom with hands-on lessons visualizing, synthesizing and expressing through a wide variety of media.